The International Board Of

Neuro Linguistic Programming

We are developing your future by safeguarding the education provider and make you having the best learning experiences from any of the instructors or approved schools in providing teaching activities. For clients who looking for professional practitioners, we aim to make sure those practitioners are more than enough to conduct satisfactory consultation to tackle the problem that you are having.

Our Vision 

The International Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming (IBNLP) was formed to promote the development of Neuro Linguistic Programming and maintain professional standards.

Message from


Being Chairman of IBNLP, I know that to carry on doing the good work that has been accomplished by my predecessors, I need both the support of my Council and you the members.

It is essential for the Society to be recognized by the general public as the established organization to which they can reach out for matters that are related to hypnosis. To be recognized and accepted by the general public, it is essential for us to uphold our professional practices and ethical standards. Besides, such recognition requires that we devise a robust PR strategy to ensure that we can create awareness of who we are, and what we stand for, as a Society.


Registered Members
Organised events and activities
Served Clients
Established since

Our Services

We are a team of practitioners helping public to know more about mental health with the use of hypnosis, NLP skills and art/drawing therapy. 


We want to make the public to have the most quality courses from practitioners on those fields, we are one of the accreditation bodies to assess the programmes quality to meet the required standard.


Social Awareness is of vital to build our community stronger, we are actively organise activities including seminar, webinar, workshops to help the gneral public to get to know how they can help their life.


Registered Instructor and practitioners will be regulated and they will have the required quality to help their clients or carry out teaching activities. Regional Head will be assigned to assess programme within region.

Recognized Organization 
